I worked a lot of different split shifts, so I had free time in the underwear machine Suppliers day where I could actually run around and do some of this stuff. Because once you implement certain business building tactics then you will have the best chance for success in the vending business. It is important. I went from one location to another and started setting up these machines. On the internet you can search and find information, like articles, and browse websites and find out about the business, but I mean to really get down to it and find out really, how does this thing work? How am I going to actually get a vending business up and running.

The first thing that I did was I went to the place where my friend bought the machine to get some information about the machines and try to get myself familiar with the business before I just went out and starting knocking on doors. There are a lot of people in different areas of the world that have sought out my information. It is going to work wherever you live. It is just a couple of cities away. I was selling two or three cases a week.